Arbourthorne Community Primary School

Arbourthorne Community Primary School

'... a place of joy, inclusivity and learning' OfSTED 2022

Religious Education (RE)

We are a multicultural school with several faiths followed by families in our school.

We want our children to grow up to be kind, tolerant and respectful  members of modern British society, in line with our school core values. We want our children to be proud of their faiths and confident in their own  beliefs. We teach our children to understand that everyone has a right to follow his or her own belief system without prejudice or judgement.

We encourage our children to be confident when asking questions about religions and find elements that are common to all the major belief systems. We also want our children to understand that not everyone follows a religion but everyone has a right to be treated equally and with respect, whatever their beliefs.


We are a state maintained school and follow the Sheffield SACRE RE Syllabus which was revised by SACRE in 2024. 

In accordance with the Sheffield Agreed Syllabus (2024-2029), Religious Education at Arbourthorne Community Primary School includes the study of Christians, Jews, Hindus and Muslims.  Though aspects of other religions are also studied at times through termly assemblies. Each unit’s content is directly related to the aims and objectives stated in the Sheffield Agreed Syllabus, which ensures that progression is made and continuity established throughout school. In order to offer children maximum opportunity for breadth of study through this spiralling curriculum. .

We study facts about all the major world religions, focusing on similarities and differences. Through their study and discussion, we encourage our children to discover more about themselves, other religions and celebrations linked to each religion. 

We welcome visits from faith leaders and members of the school community to share their own stories and beliefs to develop a greater understanding of how people in our community live. As part of our studies children visit religious buildings in the city. We study how religions are followed across the world. Books and resources are regularly updated and colleagues make good use of websites and weekly news sites to keep materials current.

We share our learning and understanding via displays in school, PROUD books which showcase subject studies and through assemblies where children share what they have learned with the rest of the school. This contributes to building a strong, tolerant and respectful community. It also supports children in building relationships with others and understanding the world around them.

Our pupils enjoy RE lessons and are not afraid to share their own experiences and personal beliefs. We encourage children to have a voice through our core values. Children are eager to participate in discussions and research about all the major world religions.

RE Overview

Examples of RE Learning 

Sheffield Agreed Syllabus (2019-2024)